New SOPs for Sabah Parks during the RMCO

LATEST UPDATE: 07 July 2020
After months of the Movement Control Order (MCO), Sabah is slowly reopening businesses around the state as we try to recover from COVID-19 and practice the new norm. For Sabah Parks, which includes Mount Kinabalu, operations have resumed for a while now with a strict Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) visitors must follow.
As the situation surrounding COVID-19 is constantly changing, there will be regular updates to the established guidelines. On 17th June 2020, Sabah Parks has issued a statement listing the following SOP which will be enforced until 31st August 2020 during Malaysia’s Recovery Movement Control Order (RMCO):
1. The climb to Mount Kinabalu’s Gurkha Hut is only permissible to climbers alongside their direct family members to make sure climbers are still compliant to social distancing
2. Usage of the hot springs in Poring is not allowed due to difficulty in enforcing social distancing
3. Entry to each Sabah Parks’ stations and sub-stations remain at 100 people/day
4. Mount Kinabalu climbs:
i. The daily quota for climbers remains as follows until further notice:
Kinabalu Parks: 40 people
Sutera Sanctuary Lodges: 40 people
Mountain Torq: 20 people
ii. Climbers aged 12 years old and below are not allowed to climb Mount Kinabalu
5. Camping activities are permitted in limited numbers to groups that have familial ties with each other
6. The operations of the following facilities remain to adhere to established SOP:
i. Restaurants and cafés inside Sabah Parks
ii. Galleries, meeting rooms and Sabah Parks exhibits
iii. Accommodations and gardens
7. Research activities and enforcement can be carried out as usual
During the RCMO, the operation time for Kinabalu Park and Poring Hot Springs is as follows:
8.00am - 3.00pm (Monday-Sunday / Public Holiday)
The main entrances will be closed off to the public at 2.00pm to allow for disinfection and cleaning works for the facilities and the recreation area.
All the activities are still subject to the SOPs by the Health Ministry and the National Security Council, such as social distancing, body temperature check, and personal protective equipment (PPE) usage.
Please note that the stated SOPs are subject to changes and updates based on the Sabah Parks stations’ needs, the safety of visitors, and the orders from the authorities.
Read the Sabah Parks Official Memo:
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